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New website for Haus Rabe

The colors have remained the same, but the new Haus Rabe website is now equipped with many new functions.

Ticket booking now clearer
The ticket reservation can now be found very quickly. It is at the top of the menu. The most difficult thing about booking is deciding on the most suitable date.
Psst! Very soon they will not only be able to make reservations, but also pay for their tickets in advance.

What happens at Haus Rabe?
Click on “News” to find important information and event announcements. If you don’t want to miss anything, you can also subscribe to the newsletter here.
And because it’s so beautiful, Instagram posts sweeten our day.

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Use the magnifying glass at the top right to quickly find the information you are looking for.

We say THANK YOU to Mr. Orschler and Mr. Byhan from cura3D for a fantastic site and the incredibly good cooperation.

Further contributions