Frauentag Lesung im Haus Rabe Zwenkau

“Quota woman”

Women’s Day at Haus Rabe

08.03.2024 is a public holiday in some places. At Haus Rabe, it is traditionally a day of celebration. We invite you to Women’s Day.

Date Friday, March 08, 2024
Time 16:00 – 18:00 & 18:00 – 20:00
Lecture “Quotenfrau” with Maren Wels
Admission 15,00 Euro
Fire in the garden, a glass of sparkling wine or orange juice on the house

What is it about?
Thematically, we are using a term from the present. On closer inspection, it becomes clear that the quota woman already existed a hundred years ago.

According to Walter Gropius, when the Bauhaus opened its doors in 1919, no distinctions were to be made “between the fair sex and the stronger sex”. The founder of the school had probably not expected more female applicants than male applicants, so that the “female element” was limited to a maximum of one third just one year later. Many women who fell into this quota achieved remarkable things despite resistance.

Today, there are laws that are intended to create more equal opportunities when it comes to appointments to committees and positions.

We look at the achievements of the quota women and toast to female effectiveness.

Further contributions